Class reference =============== Leaflet defines the following public classes and functions. Controller and our Destination ------------------------------ .. class:: Controller(object) .. method:: __init__(self, sam_timeout=60.0, sam_api=('', 7656), dgram_api=('', 7655), max_version='3.0') Make a SAM Controller instance using the given information, and test SAM connection. .. method:: check_api(self) Check SAM API connection. This method will be automatically called when the constructor is called. :raises OSError: if failed to connect to SAM API. .. method:: lookup(self, name) Lookup and return the full Destination of the I2P domain name. If `name` is a :class:`Dest` instance, return it directly. :param name: the ``.b32.i2p`` domain name. :type name: str or Dest :return: A :class:`Dest` instance. :raises NSError: if lookup failed. .. method:: create_dest(self, name = None, style='stream', forward = None, i2cp = None) Create an ephemeral Destination. The Destination will be destroyed when dereferenced. :param name: a human-readable "nickname" of our Destination, must be unique and cannot contain whitespaces. If the name is not provided, a random name will be generated. :type name: str or None :param str style: the Destination type, can be either ``stream`` or ``datagram``. :param forward: for ``datagram`` Destinations only. The port number or endpoint which SAM will forward incoming datagram to. :type forward: int, tuple or None :param i2cp: additional I2CP options. :type i2cp: dict or None :return: An :class:`OurDest` instance. :raises CreateDestError: if failed to create an ephemeral Destination. :raises HandshakeError: if handshake failed. .. class:: OurDest(Dest) Internal class returned when calling :meth:`Controller.create_dest`. It inherits methods from the :class:`Dest` class. It also defines the following methods. .. method:: connect(self, other) For ``stream`` Destinations only. Ask SAM to connect to a remote I2P peer, and write to the returned wrapped socket object when the connection is successful. Because of how the SAM protocol is designed, this method simply sends a ``STREAM CONNECT`` request to the SAM port. This method will not block. To receive and parse the SAM reply headers, use :meth:`StreamSocket.parse_headers` immediately. :param other: the remote I2P peer to connect to. :type other: str or Dest :returns: a :class:`StreamSocket` instance. :raises HandshakeError: if handshake failed. .. method:: register_accept(self) For ``stream`` Destinations only. Ask SAM to accept connections to this destination, and write to the returned wrapped socket object when a data stream is available. Because of how the SAM protocol is designed, this method simply sends a ``STREAM ACCEPT`` request to the SAM port. This method will not block. To receive and parse the SAM reply headers, use :meth:`StreamSocket.parse_headers` immediately. :returns: a :class:`StreamSocket` instance. :raises HandshakeError: if handshake failed. :raises AcceptError: if failed to accept connections. .. method:: bind(self) For ``datagram`` Destinations only. Make a datagram socket, and bind the datagram socket to the endpoint specified in the `forward` parameter, in the constructor, returning the datagram socket. :returns: a :class:`DatagramSocket` instance. :raises OSError: when failed to bind to the given endpoint. .. method:: close(self) Close the SAM connection and free resources, destroying the ephemeral Destination. .. method:: __enter__(self) .. method:: __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs) Allows you to use :meth:`Controller.create_dest` inside a ``with`` statement suite. .. code-block:: Python controller = Controller() with controller.create_dest() as our_dest: do_stuff() Wrapped socket -------------- .. class:: WrappedSocket(object) .. class:: StreamSocket(WrappedSocket) A wrapped socket object that exposes I2P concepts instead of IP concepts. It defines the following methods. .. method:: parse_headers(self) Receive and parse SAM reply headers. This method will block or raise BlockingIOError or raise socket.timeout depending on your socket settings. When this method is used immediately after :meth:`OurDest.connect`, the return value and exception type are the following. :return: a :class:`SAMReply` instance. :raises ReachError: when the remote peer was unreachable. When this method is used immediately after :meth:`OurDest.register_accept`, the return value and exception type are the following. :return: a :class:`Dest` instance, indicating the source of the packet. :raises ValueError: if the Destination in the SAM reply headers cannot be parsed. .. method:: lookup(self, name) The alternative to the `gethostbyname` method. See :meth:`Controller.lookup` .. method:: close(self) .. method:: __enter__(self) .. method:: __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs) .. note:: It has the following passthru methods. ``type proto send recv sendall sendfile fileno shutdown detach makefile setsockopt getsockopt setblocking settimeout`` Notably, the following methods are not available. Calling any of them results in an AttributeError. Instead, their alternatives should be used. .. method:: bind .. method:: listen .. method:: accept .. method:: connect .. method:: gethostbyname .. method:: gethostbyname_ex .. class:: DatagramSocket(WrappedSocket) A wrapped datagram socket object that exposes I2P concepts instead of IP concepts. It defines the following methods. .. class:: transmit(self, data, [flags,] dest) The alternative to the `sendto` method. :param bytes data: the payload, excluding the SAM datagram header. :param dest: where to send the payload to. :type dest: str or Dest :raises NSError: if naming lookup failed. :raises OSError: if a socket error ocurred. .. note:: The maximum acceptable payload size is ~31 KB. However, it is recommended to keep the payload size under 15 KB. .. class:: collect(self, bufsize=32*1024, *args) The alternative to the `recvfrom` method. :param int bufsize: the number of bytes you want to receive, excluding the SAM datagram header. :returns: a ``(data, address)`` -> (bytes, :class:`Dest`) tuple. :raises SourceError: if the packet is not forwarded by SAM. Notably, the following methods are not available. Calling any of them results in an AttributeError. Instead, their alternatives should be used. .. method:: sendto .. method:: recvfrom SAM data structure ------------------ .. class:: Dest(object) A parsed Destination or KeyFile. :var bool is_private: `True` if the Destination contains private keys. :var str base64: Base-64 representation of the public component of the Destination. :var str base32: Base-32 representation of the SHA-256 hash of the public component of the Destination. .. method:: __init__(self, keyfile, encoding, sig_type = None, private=False) .. class:: SAMReply(object) Exceptions ---------- .. class:: HandshakeError(OSError) .. class:: NSError(OSError) .. class:: CreateDestError(OSError) .. class:: ReachError(OSError) .. class:: AcceptError(OSError) .. class:: SourceError(OSError)